Nettoyant Vitres Haute Visibilité

Nettoyant Vitres Haute Visibilité

Holts Nettoyant Vitres Haute Visibilité est une formule spécialement conçue pour nettoyer les vitres et l’optique des phares de ceux qui prennent soin de l’apparence de leur véhicule.

  • Supprime la graisse et la saleté 
  • Intérieur / Extérieur 
  • Sans traces ni reflets 
  • Vitres, miroirs et plastiques

Get clear, streak-free windows and mirrors with Holts High Visibility Window Cleaner. It quickly and effectively cleans all glass, plastics, and mirrored surfaces for better visibility while you’re driving.

The rapid action of Holts Window Cleaner cuts through all kinds of grease and road grime, providing maximum clarity and a streak-free finish. It can also be used around the home, quickly removing dust, dirt, and mucky marks to keep your windows and glass surfaces clean and clear.

Developed by our team of expert chemists, Holts High Visibility Window Cleaner is the only product you need for cleaning your car’s windows and mirrors, as well as glass surfaces around your home. Rapidly removing grease and grime, it’s ideal for dealing with dirt and marks that can ruin your visibility while driving, both inside and outside your car.

Whether it’s fingerprints from the kids, slobber from the dog, or traffic film and dust from the road, Holts High Visibility Window Cleaner cuts through dirt and grime to leave your windows clean and clear. And with its specially developed streak-free formula, you’re guaranteed maximum visibility that will benefit every journey.

Nom du produit : Nettoyant Vitres Haute Visibilité 500ml
Code du fabricant : HAPP0118A
Comment utiliser:

Grâce à son flacon pulvérisateur à gâchette facile à utiliser, le Glass Cleaner peut être appliqué exactement là où vous en avez besoin. Bien entendu, pour un nettoyage plus ciblé, vous pouvez toujours appliquer quelques pulvérisations du produit sur un chiffon sec en microfibre ou sur une serviette en papier, qui pourra ensuite être utilisé pour essuyer les surfaces vitrées (comme l’intérieur de votre pare-brise).

Fiches de Sécurité

Get clear, streak-free windows and mirrors with Holts High Visibility Window Cleaner. It quickly and effectively cleans all glass, plastics, and mirrored surfaces for better visibility while you’re driving.

The rapid action of Holts Window Cleaner cuts through all kinds of grease and road grime, providing maximum clarity and a streak-free finish. It can also be used around the home, quickly removing dust, dirt, and mucky marks to keep your windows and glass surfaces clean and clear.

Developed by our team of expert chemists, Holts High Visibility Window Cleaner is the only product you need for cleaning your car’s windows and mirrors, as well as glass surfaces around your home. Rapidly removing grease and grime, it’s ideal for dealing with dirt and marks that can ruin your visibility while driving, both inside and outside your car.

Whether it’s fingerprints from the kids, slobber from the dog, or traffic film and dust from the road, Holts High Visibility Window Cleaner cuts through dirt and grime to leave your windows clean and clear. And with its specially developed streak-free formula, you’re guaranteed maximum visibility that will benefit every journey.

Nettoyant Vitres Haute Visibilité

